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Only got ~5hrs of sleep after two double espressos yesterday, so I took a Lycopene capsule...signed up for a LinkedIn Premium free trial so I could send a message to a Kasikorn backend engineer to ask why users can't export their transaction history in CSV format...removed the 'Blog' link on b/c I don't have the WordPress blog up and I never really used the blog that much, added a link to my email address instead so people can contact me...started going through the Kasikorn API "Slip Verification" the first one done...the second one requires I have SSL set up on my domain and not through Cloudflare...discovered while doing that that my whatdo site is returning a 404 if I try to sign GoLand's db tool connecting to the digital ocean postgres db b/c I noticed that wasn't set up yet...install postgres on my macbook b/c something got messed up and somehow it seemed to not be all the db problems fixed, don't know how that having a CORS issue when running locally, all this stuff was working, IDK how it all broke...ok I remember now, I YOLO'd the backend code and disabled the existing router to get the Line echo bot working...sent an email to another local YouTuber to ask if I can be in a video with him...installed cursor and tried using it for a simple refactor task to get a sense of how it works...figured out a way (thanks to ChatGPT) to get the Line callback handler working while also not breaking the existing routes...went for a massage to give my brain cells some time to recover...used cursor some more and I get the hype, this is really cool, I'm surprised Jetbrains hasn't copied it yet...after a long while I finally got my whatdo backend working properly again (auth + user middleware working), it was a good learning experience with cursor and a GitHub Action set up so my DO dokku VPS will update when I push to main, so now both frontend and backend will update automatically when I push to GitHub...ending the day on this banger set:… Tomorrow: I need to bill hours to my client to make $, I want to try to finish the KBank API challenge to see if I can do the Slip Verification, I want to email another YouTuber, if I have any time left over I want to keep going with that Line/ChatGPT bot and try to make a frontend interface for it.
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Struggled to incorporate the Line "echo bot" code into my existing Huma Go backend framework code, so I just YOLO'd it and copied the example code into my `main.go` for the purpose of seeing if I can get it working...ran into an error when pushing to Dokku, it seems to be because I didn't set the Line-related env variables before pushing...set those vars on my Dokku server...clicked the Line 'Verify' button for the callback URL and got a 404, so I now need to look into what happened...I think the issue is that the echo bot code assumes I'll use the DefaultServeMux, but I'm actually using a chi Mux. The key line difference is `log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, r))`, where the example has `nil` instead of `r`...YOLO'd it again by just disabling the router I had gotten working, just to see if the webhook will work, and got a Success when I clicked the Verify up is to either clean up this mess I've made in my code or keep pushing forwards and try to get the ChatGPT part working.
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Destroyed my other two Digital Ocean droplets, I now only have the one $6/mo Dokku droplet...told ChatGPT what I'm trying to achieve with this Line+ChatGPT bot and what I already have working, to get some help visualizing how I should proceed...created a Line developer account...enabled the Messaging API...added the Line Go SDK to my Go up: I think I want to read the example code provided by Line and ChatGPT and figure out how I can fit it into my existing backend code. I think getting the Line "Echo" bot working in my app would be a good next step. Lowered my phone's daily limit for Twitter and Reddit from 60 mins each to 45 mins each.
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Spent an hour going over my app ideas to try to decide on what to work on next, settled on trying to build a Line+ChatGPT bot that will run on my Dokku droplet.
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Worked on a first draft of a 1-page "how to hire and manage remote workers" PDF that I want to start sending along with my resume and possibly also use as a marketing thing for my Wailes & Company remote work management consultancy idea...drank a double espresso ~4-5hrs before my expected bedtime, I hope I don't regret this...emailed another YouTuber but w/ a slightly different email approach...continuing to learn how to use Cursor, resolved a deploy.yml error by signing into GitHub after some Googling to understand what was going on...spent a while breaking up my backend code into sub-app directories as a way of setting the stage to work on multiple app ideas at the same time, and also to continue to build familiarity with Go since I'm still very new to it...spending the time after the caffeine high has kind of worn off (3hrs post-double-espresso) just thinking about what I should work on next...decide on some next small steps for tomorrow: 1) be able to query the Algolia HN API and get back the list of HN jobs, 2) set up a new db schema for the jobs app, 3) figure out how to best use ChatGPT to analyze the different job posts (individual queries vs. some kind of batch request).
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write blog about playing around with OpenAI and ChatGPT #blog2
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🤖 I tried out the new ChatGPT Python API and gisted a demo…
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updated some code that used OpenAI's now deprecated CODEX API, to convert some demos over to the ChatGPT api to see if things will still work.
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Today, I'm working on building my own AI writing assistant w/ GPT-3 ✨ Here's the plan: - Explore OpenAI + Playground - Connect to GPT-3s API - Ship a web app + Chrome extension
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🤖 sat down and had ChatGPT write some GPT4(ish) code for me
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used ChatGPT to break the ice on a half dozen small projects with a goal of eventually automating them #mylife
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🤖 Used ChatGPT to help me finish off a GitHub Issues syncing cli tool because I'm tired of bulk creating issues in their web UI.
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Ask ChatGPT (… ) what to work on next #wip
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🤖 tried out ChatGPT to mixed results
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Got back into working on my HN-jobs-auto-applier: Built the UI to allow a user to click a button to connect their gmail account to my app and have it save access / refresh tokens to the backend...fixed misc things that broke for unknown the backend deploying to digital ocean without erroring, not sure why it stopped working...currently trying to figure out why, when I ssh into my server, it seems to show me at an older commit, when my github action seems to be working without errors and having me at the newest commit...figured out that I was running the wrong command to check the current commit, IDK why an older commit was still present in some of the files...FINALLY got prod working where I can sign into gmail, upload my resume, and send an email to myself. FUCK that was so much harder than it should've been...added a netlify.toml redirect so that I can go to and have it load the SPA instead of 404ing...fixed a bug where a refresh token wasn't being saved to the db in prod...
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Kind of scatterbrained today. Spent time chatting with someone who could act as a consultant if I try to develop a module for as a way to build confidence with pure-JS UIs, as a stepping stone towards a second attempt at working on my rap-IDE idea. Also spent some time chatting back-and-forth with a local YouTuber, it looks like my concept for a video won't fit into his particular video style.
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🤖 Used ChatGPT to generate Django code to test a blueprint for app building I worked on some time ago. It felt very similar to getting feedback from a human as strange as that is to say . #research
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try better code helpers than chatGPT 3.5 - after getting MUCH advice on Twitter tried GPT4, Perplexity, trying to get access to Claude, installed bolt AI
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Let ChatGPT code a side project.
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today was my first day actually doing Go development instead of just tutorials: took a magnesium tablet b/c I felt anxious last night, I think from the caffeine in the cocoa I had been drinking; copied my frontend code from my flask/vuetify template repo to my go/vuetify template repo; confirmed I can serve the frontend code locally; installed Go; drank an iced cocoa; successfully started my 'Hello World' main.go backend file as a web app server; asked ChatGPT for help converting my "POST /users/" request to use Go; created a Go module; installed Postman macOS; took a 15min break after an hour; got my frontend app "talking to" my Go backend (successfully returned "Hello World" and had it on-screen in my frontend app); added Go middleware to log every request to the console so I can see what is happening; renamed my (default) branch from 'master' to 'main'; got live reloading for my Go backend (it automatically reloads the backend when I make changes to the code); confirmed my "POST /users/" returns 201 when I use the frontend registration form; came up with a task for tomorrow: get "POST /api/session" working; set up PyCharm to be able to explore my SQLite db from within the DB toolbar; confirmed that my user registration created a new user record in the db
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