worked up a slightly different engine for my files-to-claud-xml project to make the internal data structure easier to build other tools with. #research
Used Claude to write a Django management command to flatten my templates and pull out third party templates that might be used #research
🤖 Added summaries and the Jina AI API to a few projects #research
🚜 Finally got around to switching a few APIs over to use claude-3-5-haiku-20241022 and I cut my bill down by 80 to 90%. Not bad and I'm not seeing a noticeable difference in quality. #research
🎙 met with a former ED for an open source project and had a wonderful conversation about governance and all-the-things. It was quite lovely. #research
more product #research
🔨 working on launching a new product #research
🤖 Finally remembered the address (been looking for weeks) and made a quick Agent to pull in remote pages. #research
🐍 working on UV's new workspace feature to see if I can shave off some development time #research
🤖 Took a stab at rewriting parts of Claude Engineer to make file and project storage better. #research
🤖 I gave the new Claude a test ride and had it create a new Django Admin app. Not bad. Not bad at all. #research
wrote a github action for my files-to-claude-xml script #research
🤖 played with Ollama's tool calling with Llama 3.2 to create a calendar management agent demo #research
🔨 Built an rss-to-markdown github actions tool. #research
🚜 transitioned to whisper turbo for a few projects #research
🚜 🤖 Used ChatGPT o1 to port some templates from inline css to TailwindCSS and it worked perfectly. It also took 111 seconds which is a while but faster than I could do. #research
🤖 more agent work and organizing them into a team #research
🤖 Prototyped a Django-based Agent framework using Claude 3.5 #research
🤖 Wrote an agent to summarize content into one sentence #research