Similar todos
Worked on getting ChatGPT working with the Line echo bot example...created a separate file to test the OpenAI API call...hit an error, turned out I needed to pay separately for API credits...hit another error from my request not being formatted properly...finally got it working, now I need to try to integrate it with the Line echo bot...updated the code to use the ChatGPT code and deployed it, but the bot isn't responding anymore, I need to examine the logs...checked the logs with `dokku logs api` (`api` being the name of my app) and saw the error: "You didn't provide an API key."...need to add my API key as an env that added with `dokku config:set`...tested the echo bot again and IT WORKED. It is insane insane insane how fast I can get stuff working when I can ask ChatGPT for help at every step to cut through all the usual Googling to figure out how to do up, hmm, I'm not sure, either work on an accompanying Vue frontend or try fleshing out the bot to handle the particular use-case I have in mind...sent an email to another YouTuber to see if I can do a video with him.
Destroyed my other two Digital Ocean droplets, I now only have the one $6/mo Dokku droplet...told ChatGPT what I'm trying to achieve with this Line+ChatGPT bot and what I already have working, to get some help visualizing how I should proceed...created a Line developer account...enabled the Messaging API...added the Line Go SDK to my Go up: I think I want to read the example code provided by Line and ChatGPT and figure out how I can fit it into my existing backend code. I think getting the Line "Echo" bot working in my app would be a good next step. Lowered my phone's daily limit for Twitter and Reddit from 60 mins each to 45 mins each.
Only got ~5hrs of sleep after two double espressos yesterday, so I took a Lycopene capsule...signed up for a LinkedIn Premium free trial so I could send a message to a Kasikorn backend engineer to ask why users can't export their transaction history in CSV format...removed the 'Blog' link on b/c I don't have the WordPress blog up and I never really used the blog that much, added a link to my email address instead so people can contact me...started going through the Kasikorn API "Slip Verification" the first one done...the second one requires I have SSL set up on my domain and not through Cloudflare...discovered while doing that that my whatdo site is returning a 404 if I try to sign GoLand's db tool connecting to the digital ocean postgres db b/c I noticed that wasn't set up yet...install postgres on my macbook b/c something got messed up and somehow it seemed to not be all the db problems fixed, don't know how that having a CORS issue when running locally, all this stuff was working, IDK how it all broke...ok I remember now, I YOLO'd the backend code and disabled the existing router to get the Line echo bot working...sent an email to another local YouTuber to ask if I can be in a video with him...installed cursor and tried using it for a simple refactor task to get a sense of how it works...figured out a way (thanks to ChatGPT) to get the Line callback handler working while also not breaking the existing routes...went for a massage to give my brain cells some time to recover...used cursor some more and I get the hype, this is really cool, I'm surprised Jetbrains hasn't copied it yet...after a long while I finally got my whatdo backend working properly again (auth + user middleware working), it was a good learning experience with cursor and a GitHub Action set up so my DO dokku VPS will update when I push to main, so now both frontend and backend will update automatically when I push to GitHub...ending the day on this banger set:… Tomorrow: I need to bill hours to my client to make $, I want to try to finish the KBank API challenge to see if I can do the Slip Verification, I want to email another YouTuber, if I have any time left over I want to keep going with that Line/ChatGPT bot and try to make a frontend interface for it.
Continuing to look into the CORS error I'm getting when my frontend tries to make an API request to my backend; it seems my backend dokku app wasn't deployed for some reason; destroyed my existing go dokku app and recreated it and then struggled with an error for a while before realizing I had the same issue a few days ago and the solution was to run `dokku builder:set backend-app build-dir backend`; now getting an error saying the download for my specified version of Go is "unknown to the buildpack"; after much trial-and-error I realized the problem was that Dokku has a stupid error message that makes it sound like it has already automatically chosen a Go buildpack when in fact it has not. I was additionally getting confused because I was seeing Dokku installing Go and not realizing that was because of my +heroku instruction in my go.mod file rather than Dokku automatically using a Go buildpack. The solution was to specify a Go buildpack for my app with `dokku buildpacks:add <my-app> heroku/go`. Now getting a new error: "Failed to connect to database". Fixed it by switching my code to use the `DATABASE_URL` environment variable that Dokku creates for your code to connect to the db. My `git push dokku main` finally succeeded, but I'm still getting a CORS error. Eventually figured out it was because my Dokku app name was `whatdo-backend` when I had forgotten that that would also be the name of the subdomain, so I had to delete the app and recreate it with the name `api`. I also created a `/ping` health-check URL to help me debug this more quickly. I'm now getting a 521 error, I think maybe because Dokku is running on http and Cloudflare is reaching out via https?
Spent an hour going over my app ideas to try to decide on what to work on next, settled on trying to build a Line+ChatGPT bot that will run on my Dokku droplet.
Got back into working on my HN-jobs-auto-applier: Built the UI to allow a user to click a button to connect their gmail account to my app and have it save access / refresh tokens to the backend...fixed misc things that broke for unknown the backend deploying to digital ocean without erroring, not sure why it stopped working...currently trying to figure out why, when I ssh into my server, it seems to show me at an older commit, when my github action seems to be working without errors and having me at the newest commit...figured out that I was running the wrong command to check the current commit, IDK why an older commit was still present in some of the files...FINALLY got prod working where I can sign into gmail, upload my resume, and send an email to myself. FUCK that was so much harder than it should've been...added a netlify.toml redirect so that I can go to and have it load the SPA instead of 404ing...fixed a bug where a refresh token wasn't being saved to the db in prod...
Continuing to try to get Dokku working with a monorepo; I think I got past my last problem of how to deploy both apps by running on the server `dokku builder:set backend-app build-dir backend` (and similar for the frontend); now I'm seeing a new error when I try to deploy the frontend app: `Two different lockfiles found: package-lock.json and yarn.lock`; I seemed to fix it by deleting the yarn.lock. New error: "Missing script: start"; fixed that by adding a 'start' entry to my package.json. New error: "Cannot find module '@vitejs/plugin-vue'"; maybe because it's listed as a devDependency? I found this SO post where the guy said he ended up just putting his frontend on Netlify, so maybe I'll try that instead:… ChatGPT is saying the way to do it is to deploy my API at and then direct traffic at other subdomains to Netlify to handle frontend requests. So I'll try that tomorrow.
Started looking into why my existing frontend code in my whatdo repo isn't working with my Go backend code when I try to log in, I think I need to update the URLs that the frontend is making requests to and maybe also change the request data format.
Spent an hour reading some of [the backend code][1] for a Go / Vue chat app I saw posted to Reddit, as a way of trying to build familiarity with how my Go / Vue projects should be structured / work.