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Went through my Google Tasks notes-to-myself of stuff it would be cool to make, turned my favorites into Jira projects, and removed them from Google Tasks. Next: pick one and try to come up with a summary of how an MVP could work. Removed links from WhatDo homepage for projects that don't exist (yet). Feeling super happy I set up Netlify / Dokku now that I can just push and have my changes immediately live. Spent time drafting an email to ask a YouTuber if I can do a video with him, I'm on the fence about whether I should do it.
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Worked on getting ChatGPT working with the Line echo bot example...created a separate file to test the OpenAI API call...hit an error, turned out I needed to pay separately for API credits...hit another error from my request not being formatted properly...finally got it working, now I need to try to integrate it with the Line echo bot...updated the code to use the ChatGPT code and deployed it, but the bot isn't responding anymore, I need to examine the logs...checked the logs with `dokku logs api` (`api` being the name of my app) and saw the error: "You didn't provide an API key."...need to add my API key as an env that added with `dokku config:set`...tested the echo bot again and IT WORKED. It is insane insane insane how fast I can get stuff working when I can ask ChatGPT for help at every step to cut through all the usual Googling to figure out how to do up, hmm, I'm not sure, either work on an accompanying Vue frontend or try fleshing out the bot to handle the particular use-case I have in mind...sent an email to another YouTuber to see if I can do a video with him.
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Spent an hour going over my app ideas to try to decide on what to work on next, settled on trying to build a Line+ChatGPT bot that will run on my Dokku droplet.
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Wrote out 2 new project outlines: one to essentially build a wordpress-like CMS and one to build out a social network akin to the original MySpace. Planned out a new video showing the very most basic “full-stack” framework you could build while covering all essential concepts. Researched and bought the right mount to mount a new screen behind my wall-mounted camera. #pe Left the office early and took my partner out to some much needed Indian food and Poppyfields. Reading “How music works” (David Byrne)
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hopped on an audio chat with a friend while we worked through different code problems. I finished three more data scrapers
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Met friend who will help me produce some cool videos on UI Design for Twitter and made a plan
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Strangely, nothing for my project(s). Consulting took its toll today, with code committed for 2 separate clients, and a good on-board for a 3rd. But I do have to get project work started, like ASAP. Might have to wake earlier tomorrow!
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board meeting for one company, where I’ve been slinging code at. 4.5 hours, some of which was heated. Did some research on something AI related that has been bugging me for sometime; maybe another side project ?
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Talked a.friwnd and colleague for a website and played around with a new WordPress 🙈 stack = about 60 % done #jodaworks
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[Post-dated] Video call with Lukas from to talk about possibly working with them as Vue dev #indiejourney
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6am video call with Sanjay, founder of Partly ( about possible freelance frontend work in future #indiejourney #decodingcoding
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Spent time dictating an explanation of what I had accomplished for two major previous clients and thinking about how such presentations should be structured.
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spent bascially all day collecting and researching the stuff I want to invest in (mostly tech gear related to my 3-2-1 backup system, mobile voiceover recording and video editing equipment). That came as a surprise (like yesterday was a suprise as well). It also meant that now, at the end of the day I bascially accomplished nothing except for the walk outside and a bit of the day job. But it's ok because these investments have been in my mind for weeks now. Feeling calmer and better becasue I can put a checkmark ✅ in front of that topic 🙂 #hip
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Working on my friend's project this morning.
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Yesterday, I worked through some long-form videos of deployment but didn't post. I'm fine with losing my streaks, but is there a place to see past streaks or longest streaks or any metrics other than the main streak? Today I met with a new person we're bringing on for #lae, wrote out some resources about table vs document-based database concepts and common patterns with examples of simple versions with JSON (Marco helped) #pe . Then, I had many long meetings with people I'm coaching. I think it's time for alcohol... but maybe a few more things first --
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🎙 I was on an impromptu live coding stream #mylife
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Spent an hour reading some of [the backend code][1] for a Go / Vue chat app I saw posted to Reddit, as a way of trying to build familiarity with how my Go / Vue projects should be structured / work. [1]:
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Spent an hour recording a React tutorial only to find out I forgot to hit the record button. 🫣🥹🫠 Winded up the setup and postponed the fate of beginner coders until tomorrow.
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Went to my favorite cafe & instead of writing, I had a 4-hour conversation with a friend about the mathematics of time, entropy, and momentum where we posed lots of thought experiments and worked through/calculated them. My little inner Vulcan is very content, even though I haven't gotten much work done yet. #life
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It's been a day job intense (~13 hours) with good conversations and various tasks. Because of that and my Stoicism voiceover show it was a rich day. #hip
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