Similar todos
Write guide how to prepare for Twitter releasing unused handles… #handlehorse
Tweet about Twitter releasing handles… #handlehorse h/t @marcantoinefon
update twitter handle with temp email
get #applicantai twitter handle just in case
Make quick site that notifies you when a Twitter handle becomes available #handlehorse (Doesn't actually do any monitoring yet, but wanted to ship fast using the © levelsio method)
Write article about not losing your existing handles… #handlehorse
Get useaware Twitter handle #aware
Schedule Twitter thread with 5 steps to prepare for claiming unused Twitter handles #handlehorse
waste four hours trying to get an inactive twitter handle
Register @handlehorse on Twitter because it would be a bad look if someone else snags it before me #handlehorse
register twitter handle #checkoutpage
fill twitter handle #madewithreactjs
Add message notifying users Twitter sign-in is currently broken and they should sign in with email instead #betalist
Ping @marc about Handle.Horse due to twitter username purge!
Open twitter account when user taps username/handle #blaze
get handle (had remote_ok before) on Twitter with Remote OK trademark #remoteok
Ask Twitter why I cannot invite @rikschennink #wip