Similar todos
Google did a update cause my scrapers all went a bit crazy
worked on job website tests on one of the scrapers
almost at passing 1300 jobs on #devopsprojectshq, getting more traffic since using google jobs api
implemnted google indexing api to see if i can get more jobs to google #sportstechjobs
almost get a working serverless google scraper #serverlesshandbook
fixed a bug in one of my job scrapers
wrote a job scraper because why not?
Build google CS scraper so searching can be triggered from google #pagesextension
A little over 2K jobs (started on Monday) so far (I expect about 30K active at any given time). Plan to post my Google Search Console at the end of each month. #power #poweruserjobs
hit google programmatic search engine daily limit of 10K queries / day much too quickly while developing
Ran scraper for #jobsinenglish (current version) and fetched 172 new jobs. Also sent newsletter.
build more scrapers #pagesonpages
scrape 6M job postings #sparkbase