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post on twittar about #hats…
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Post video on Twitter about product demo I built a while ago to see if anyone wants a tutorial on how to do it.…
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Tweet about the prototype #sitesauce
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see my MEGA hat go viral #merch…
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Prototype Twitter/Facebook sharing gif for #blurt infinite-island-90815.herokua…
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Generate Twitter header images with A.I. #traits
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Write long post about finally cracking "social network for makers" #wip…
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publish tweet for buildinpublic #life
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Created IFTTT applet to automate posting tweets from Twitter to Mastodon - as backup and hedge against deplatformisation #indiejourney
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Tweet about maker @moul #golang project…
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Post long Twitter thread about NFTs reimagined by DALL·E #life…
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working on tweet to image demo #copicake
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intro tweet for #makerweekly…
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learning blender to create cool nfts as gifts for my friends while I keep testing
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draft tweet thread for build in public #fajarsiddiq
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Publish first build in public post -… #indie
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buy hat #life
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Tweet about maker data #femake
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blog about my small win on Maker Festival… #imknight
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make basic prototype with data showoff-production.herokuapp.… #showoff
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