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contact owners of .com domain and hope they're willing to sell #playground
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make offer on domain #glife
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email owner to see if it’s for sale
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Get domain for $1400 through back-order, after previous owner asked $22k 6 months ago, but somehow let it expire (I even offered like $10k) 🤯 #wip
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Sell to co-founder for 5k
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message domain seller sad about selling for $40,000 (!) to live, laugh, love #photoai
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#banjo Write email to owner of if he’d like to sell the domain to me as proclaimed on his website
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reach out and see if ppl wanna keep the domain
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Enable "make an offer" for all my domains for sale on
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Woke up today with this email in my inbox. shutting down. I've been using the service ($9/month) for a few months, liked it. Been upset about it shutting down, asked the owner current MRR ($100) and proposed to buy it for $5,000. He refused and counter-offered to sell for $25,000 🤷‍♂️
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contact domain broker guy to try get this domain #life
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made offer to buy out #feathrd
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selling on flippa
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#banjo Receive answer from owner of that he doesn’t want to sell the domain to me under current circumstances
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#contracting Make offer for massive website extension of OG client from 2017
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sell submitly(.)com for $1,000
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ask an indie website broker what they'd pay for #remoteok
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Make a bid on a domain 👀
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#sheet2site sell it
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Raised price to $7 #toastlog
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