create new components and router to declutter code #playground
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add puzzle completed message when player completes puzzle #playground
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add message board component #playground
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buy .com domain for upcoming project #playground
add buttons to side of board #playground
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fix bugs and add ability to undo/redo moves #playground
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prepare work for next session #playground
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automatically select next playable number #playground
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make so that when number is selected, border and background changes #playground
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make so that played numbers are greyed out and no longer clickable #playground
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do some research on business model and copyrights required for new projec #playground
update game logic and prevent initial set of values from being used #playground
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Work on puzzle app #playground
redirect to main site #playground
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create form for idea submission #playground
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add submit idea button #playground
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add TTPD album to the site after friend noticed I was missing it #playground
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fix filtering and have database sort alphabetically by default #playground
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fix mobile view #playground
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restart code base and switch from Nuxt.js to raw Vue.js because it was too complicated #playground
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