Similar todos
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Integrate sync with firestore.
fixed firebase analytics #qrcontact
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Build TestFlight & get feedback
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Let user investigate workouts during routine creation.
add firebase analytics event to #infinitestories
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Add Workout Routine to list of premium features.
refine firebase function to expand stats
integrate firebase #rawr
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Final TestFlight testing & minor bugfixing.
work on google-sheet/firebase integration #meratek
work on google-sheet/firebase integration #meratek
#tapslock update Firebase integration
🔥integrate with firebase #nomadplacemap
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Develop Success Modal
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Change workouts per week during active routine.
fixed firebase analytics events #infinitestories 3.0
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Make Routine Creation only accessible for paying customers.
working on adding firebase #shipr
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Set routine to finished.