Inflation Chart
Inflation Chart
Show stock market growth adjusted for US dollar money supply
Launched February 12, 2021
show inflation rate in big letters #inflationchart
update #inflationchart data
write blogs because cryptobros trying to cancel me for saying inflation is 0% which it is, they all can't admit it which is dishonest #inflationchart
add more inflation text if stable and negative #inflationchart
move US and emojis to right of the label so it's easier selectable with keyboard #inflationchart
update #inflationchart because there is 0% inflation now
ask X why Federal Reserve stopped publishing M3 money supply statistics #inflationchart
add bug board to #inflationchart
add seed oil production to #inflationchart…
add US overweight % to #inflationchart…
add Hermes Birkin handbag price history because it outperforms a lot of things like gold and buying a house #inflationchart…
add deflation notice #inflationchart
tweet inflation rate finally negative on #inflationchart…
fix #inflationchart crashing because real inflation went negative (deflation)
schedule quarterly payments to @keshavatearth to update #inflationchart
update #inflationchart with new data (by @keshavatearth)
update #inflationchart with new data (via @keshavatearth)
add coffee prices before 1973 by transposing roasted coffee prices back to 1939 #inflationchart
import new 10Y treasury data for @olorola #inflationchart
pay Keshav for #inflationchart updating