deleted old feature who where not much used #capgo
Fixed in 5 min issue who costed me $400 last month #capgo
causually launch on PH for backlink #capgo…
Fix issue with manifest file with space in the name #capgo
Fixed issue on #capgo plugin with big partial update manifest
passed $6k finally with #capgo
found a new way to make google auth work in web for our capacitor plugin #capgo
doing job for freelance work #capgo
call with big corporate client #capgo
answer support ticket #capgo
update dependency #capgo
debug client with weird issue no answer from update endpoint #capgo
fix the issue for capgo client mono repo with CLI #capgo
Switch from a custom system for Stripe upgrade to generic one made by stripe #capgo
improve the test speed of our test suit it now take 60 sec #capgo
Add first-letter:uppercase to many places in #capgo to enforce text design
fix issue missing events in #capgo plugin uploader
Prepare CI/CD for client #capgo
Made all tests in #capgo pass in 60sec could be fast with bunx but fail in CI/CD env
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Just realized i made 100k with #capgo 🤯
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