Tweet Photo
Tweet Photo
Automatically post your Instagram photos to Twitter
Launched December 12, 2018
Migrate all customers/subscriptions to new owner Stripe account
Get on the frontpage of Hacker News
Tweet blog post about acquisition…
Write blog post about acquisition
Publish acquisition post on WIP
#tweetphoto… ( still need to make these posts more visible on the homepage, etc)
Send acquisition announcement email to all users
Get acquired
#tweetphoto 👀
Archive previous Linode app, because I think it was still running some cronjobs
Verify everything still works, now on Heroku
Disable maintenance mode on Heroku app
Configure Cloudflare to redirect www. to root
Restore database into Heroku database
Configure DNS to point to Heroku app
Put Heroku app into maintenance mode
Put app into maintenance mode
Replace 'whenever' (based on cronjobs) with Cron To Go which is a Heroku add-on which basically does the same
Make Bugsnag integration optional
Switch to new SendGrid account and verify it still works
Remove any references to me personally
Remove survey which didn't provide any useful insights