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get retweeted by Tim O'Reilly
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Get NotionHQ to RT my #optemization website tweet 🙌
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Get tweeted by Node.js Twitter #ss…
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ask Smashing Magazine to retweet #shiny release tweet
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share #optemization website updates via tweetstorm…
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Get some twitter love from #podvine
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Get retweeted by Tim Sweeney (CEO of Epic Games)
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Get retweeted by Gretchen Rubin #ss
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getting retweet by Ryan Hoover for my post #imknight
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Get RT'd by Scoble… #visiondirectory
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Get tweet liked by Ryan Hoover :D #self
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Get RT'd by Tim Ferriss #life
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See my follower count on Twitter increase to ~200 because IndieHackers tagged me in a post and offer to roast landing pages for free as a gift to new followers… #life !private
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Get a 20% SEO traffic bump (even though I didn't change anything...)…
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scheduler tweet and linkedin post #capgo
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automate twitter 'tools' post to promote exposure in the industry #starterstory…
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Add twitter plug to #lucidbot site
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Generate tweet with #thundercontent
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add retweets to twitter integration #tacodigest
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