Similar todos
fix vms performance while rendering
improve #interiorai virtual staging with more strict masking
use colmap + openmvs for mesh reconstruction b/c btr than default poisson_mesher #spaceshare
first pass at integrating cuberendertarget on envmap of mesh for navigation fx more than crossfade #mused
improvements on video visualization #honesttribe
investigate transparent videos and masking width avfoundation #infinitestories 3.0
make vx video #reactd32018
mirror video #svedig
no checking of VEP sg to jb #fajarsiddiq
conic via visual editor working, now need to work via overlay #csspro
get auto masking to work #interiorai
launch mix/masking tool to mix render with original to for ex keep interior from render but also keep construction from original pic #interiorai
investigate persistant image rec tracking #witness