automate host/client connection on bolt #witness
build hand range interaction test (MM, Merge) #witness
integrate MM hand occlusion into VF #witness
finish simple demo #witness
add Vuforia AR Camera to viewer options #witness
add Merge SDK to #witness
holokit support #witness
MMInteractiveObject class (use your hand to interact with virtual objects) #witness
map out all trackable hand points #witness
hand object and grab trigger for pickupable objects #witness
build and test v1 (it's alive and working!) #witness
Print sync target #witness
Design physical sync target #witness
Create sync UI #witness
Create sync logic #witness
Get manomotion/controller tracked through photon bolt #witness
Instantiate avatar over photon bolt #witness
Track camera movement through photon bolt #witness
Figure out how to use Photon Bolt #witness