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Added function calling support for Google AI #boltai
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Custom AI Generation section color (looks sooooo nice its incredible imo!) #inpilot
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First post generated by the new AI
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release post mortem AI generation #spectate
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generate AI recipe #whatscook
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add auto generated AI video to AI generated blog posts #remoteok
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Ask user feedback for inline AI rewriting options #blogrecorder
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make generate with AI work in the extension popup #reva
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Make prototype of AI generator #image
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Add support for custom templates so you can create any AI automation you want #draftdelivery
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Add another AI idea to the notes
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make new AI gen'd video #life
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Update AI customer support to GPT-4-turbo ⚡ (so much more capable and faster!) #saasco
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added new and first AI project to wip #freshbiteai
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implemented for handling AI processes #copycopter
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generate script with AI #clippulse
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pay AI dev #interiorai #photoai
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First view of the AI Video Generator #thundercontent
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add AI photo generation without background #photoai
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New AI - database design #inpilot
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