Travis Mathis
Travis Mathis
20+ year engineer looking to make it on his own.
$0 to $10k/MRR Challenge:
🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ $10k MRR
$0 to $10k/MRR Challenge:
🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ $10k MRR
finished first agency client app for #sveltelaunch — 2 weeks to be feature complete... and it's pretty cool! can't wait to show it off.
setup hetzner dedicated server and coolify
launched #sveltelaunch development as a service agency
finish first parts of platform to handle productizing development serverice through #sveltelaunch
do daily tweeting to grow social profiles.
added a blog post to #datamachine on the importance of data preparation in machine learning.
#myyogi launch day on product hunt. Forgot I scheduled this launch and it's absolutely killing it!…
Can your boiler plate do THIS?! From zero to SaaS in 3 minutes!
First version of #sveltelaunch CLI is available -- SvelteLaunch is now the fastest way to "Ship Fast".
Not only can you ship fast, but you can ship high quality apps ready to scale when you succeed. No jank, no extra code. Every project is refactored specifically for the options you choose.
add claude to #sveltelaunch as an install option. Now supports openai and claude.
finished adding transactional mail options to #sveltelaunch cli — now has options for sendgrid or mailgun. I want to add SMTP Relays next.
daily marketing initiative - posted blog post to #sveltelaunch
add #sveltelaunch now has a CLI and you can choose between providers for various services. Now supports Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, and Paddle.