Travis Mathis

Travis Mathis


20+ year engineer looking to make it on his own. $0 to $10k/MRR Challenge: 🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ $10k MRR
Joined August 2024
Can your boiler plate do THIS?! From zero to SaaS in 3 minutes! First version of #sveltelaunch CLI is available -- SvelteLaunch is now the fastest way to "Ship Fast". Not only can you ship fast, but you can ship high quality apps ready to scale when you succeed. No jank, no extra code. Every project is refactored specifically for the options you choose.
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add claude to #sveltelaunch as an install option. Now supports openai and claude.
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posted #datamachine to hackernews
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finished adding transactional mail options to #sveltelaunch cli — now has options for sendgrid or mailgun. I want to add SMTP Relays next.
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daily marketing initiative - posted blog post to #sveltelaunch
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add #sveltelaunch now has a CLI and you can choose between providers for various services. Now supports Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, and Paddle.
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get ahmed the things he needs to make a product video for #datamachine
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breakout new cli tool into more manageable component files. #sveltelaunch
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daily blog post #sveltelaunch…
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Part of our "Marketing Everyday" mission. Post day 1 in our "Day X of Growing Micro App Businesses to $10k/MRR" short form video series on tiktok and youtube. This is to be a daily thing. Between recording and editing it only took me about an hour on the first try. I'm sure I'll get faster. I used veed, would love recommendations for other options. In order to speed up the process I trained Veeds voice cloner with my voice, but it still sounds a bit generated. Follow on tiktok and youtube if you want to see the rest of the series as I go along and help keep me honest and motivated Tiktok:… Youtube:…
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Launch #datamachine on product hunt.…
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set a new monthly sales record with 1/2 the month left. 💪
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update #sveltelaunch pricing because the launch sale coupon is about to run out. Added the next coupons so it will automatically update all the way to our planned $199 price. It now automatically increases the price $20 every 25 customers.
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Day 3, Posting 1 blog post a day to improve content marketing SEO
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finally got #myyogi through the android store process. 20 Testers, 14 days ✅
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include a demo for #datamachine
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Day 2: 1 Blog Post a Day for 90 Days #sveltelaunch
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Day 2: A Blog Post a Day for 90 days #datamachine
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Now that everything is officially "launched" we are turning our focus for the remainder of the year to iterations and growth. Submitted #sveltelaunch to madewithsvelte. Spent $38 for quick listing and to be pinned for 14 days. This worked really well for me on Microlaunch so we're going to double down on this advertising to 10's of thousands of Svelte users.
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update yoga poses with the list my wife gave me of duplicates and missing poses for #myyogi — we got a second sale, had to get around to doing this finally :)
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