Travis Mathis
Travis Mathis
20+ year engineer looking to make it on his own.
$0 to $10k/MRR Challenge:
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$0 to $10k/MRR Challenge:
🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ $10k MRR
create discord bot that connects to my apps and receives notices when someone subscribes or makes a purchase of one of my products #datamachine #sveltelaunch
test that upgrading and downgrading of plans is working correctly across all plans(weekly,monthly,yearly) and that the correct number of tokens is assigned at change #datamachine
implement weekly subscription option to generate higher conversions(and probably higher churn on the weeklies, but the app has a use case for it where I can see people needing it for 1 off data cleanings and the cheaper weekly price point might encourage more people to try it out). #datamachine
implement "document mining" as a feature — extracting statistical, trend, tabular, and analytical data from PDF documents and converting it into tabular data #datamachine
Based on this post…
Claude 3.5 just blows my mind sometimes. It's incredibly intelligent naturally. I am going through final tests on a new App I'm building to generate, clean, and enrich datasets. I was testing the enrichment portion last night and it just knows things. Like it understands when cleaning data and I'm asking it to add thousand separators that some of the data may not be a number in the traditional sense. I had a dataset that has population, median_income, and zip codes in it, but it only modified the population and median_income data without the need to specifically prompt for it. This might seem trivial, but its ability to reason without guidance amongst large sets of data is quite remarkable. #datamachine
implement credit costs when cleaning or enriching data with AI #datamachine
test stripe subscription renewals and make sure everything is handled correctly #datamachine
implement a basic dashboard for launch #datamachine
implemented credit costs when generating datasets #datamachine
implement plan scoped features #datamachine
implement purchases for additional AI credits #datamachine
imporve SvelteLaunch community Discord so that new customers get roles automatically to the community section of discord as well as add a support bot #sveltelaunch
improved the stripe payments implementation to more gracefully handle both payment and subscription types. #sveltelaunch
pricing page and stripe portal setup for #datamachine
implement stripe billing portal for subscription management #datamachine
SEO paying off. Up to 50 new users from organic search after only 3 months of content creation. We also had our best month ever for #sveltelaunch