Similar todos
Set up blazer check so I get an email notification if there's more than X failed predictions in a week #roomai
Notify myself when average processing takes longer than +10% versus day before #roomai
only send me an alert once, when a site crosses consecutive_assessment_fails_threshold #httpscop
#schedulebot Notify user if they send some weird edge case query that I can't handle yet and log warning
only 1 alert email per 5mins per non-200 error status code #httpscop
better error handling #cryptojobslist
Show more subtle warning when we have reason to believe the handle won't come available #handlehorse
Check email sending reputation metrics to make sure we're not at risk #prompthero
Better error handling on the #backpacklanguage server
Implemented sending email alerts when reaching 80% and 100% API usage. #2markdown
improve error handling and feedback #dns
#slackdiscord Add failsafe on rate-limit so I know a) when to try again and b) to avoid getting timed out for eternity
auto detect if API goes down and auto write error message #interiorai
Show alerts to user when a subscription request fails
Build infinte running test which tests the visits twice per minute and warns me when the amount is not correct (less or more) #simpleanalytics
Setup DigitalOcean alerts to know when our server is too high in CPU / RAM / Disk / Load #jomo