Similar todos
Added an index to our main db lowering the query time on a popular query from 700ms to 45ms on average
Implemented Meilisearch on the frontend of (95% time save over mysql fulltext) #seolabs
postgres full text search && indexing #buildingo
Speed up database tests #domainwatchman
scoped out some research for switching over #djangopackages search to use Postgres's FullText search.
Improved query performance of "unread" section by ~ 5 times. #gistreader
speed up #interiorai load with DB index
#nagel Find SQL query that has no indexes and ran for >5 seconds, so add index and now it runs in 0.01s
#spotgetter 🤷 faster search speed
improve db query response time #clippulse
fix queries for huge performance boost #spectate
process queries 2.5x more faster #nanobrain
finally nail optimising that broken query using too many resources #spectate
Fixed query from 44s to 0.5s 🤘 #bagsoup
Figured out how to query an index of data I added #securedfyi
did more Meilisearch hacking and I can't figure out why ~280M of data in turns into a 6G index which is way too much space for the contents. Search and facets work really well though so maybe it's worth while?