Similar todos
Made a custom gpt Anime Figurine Generator for fun! -… #indiejourney
Made my first custom GPT just for fun - 3D Emoji Generator - A DALLE-3 generator that converts any emoji into a 3D illustration, Thought since I'm doing this a lot for my website assets, might as well try to make a basic one.. still loads to improve I feel as it keeps adding smiley faces to emoji where there's no smiley face -… #indiejourney
write blog about playing around with OpenAI and ChatGPT #blog2
Made for fun to protest using language models for domain-specific purposes
messing around with OpenAI library #aiplay
Implement DALL-E 3 in #deckassistant but unable to finish because OpenAI is having issues
played around with models in repalicate to see if I can find an alternate to openAI. results are not promising... yet.
Make prototype of AI generator #image
Research AI image generation within a specific niche #easel
Open PR to Awesome Geenrative AI… #melies
Signed up for OpenAI API access #indiejourney #decodingcoding
Play with OpenAI via Vercel AI SDK
Built a web-browsing agent with GPT4-vision for #jsonify . Super fun, but the 100 requests per day limit is killing me...
Tried to make a linkedin profile photo editor for fun and social good, using plain javascript, but got stuck with canvas issues when drawing the darn arc banner that even combined forces of Claude Sonnet 3.5 and ChatGPT-4o can't solve 😩 #indiejourney #socialimpactpatronage
try better code helpers than chatGPT 3.5 - after getting MUCH advice on Twitter tried GPT4, Perplexity, trying to get access to Claude, installed bolt AI
🤖 playing around with GPT-3 #mylife
play with AI chatbot #life