Santoash Rajaram
Santoash Rajaram
ex-Apple, co-founded an AI-based insuretech (recently acquired!). On to the next exciting venture. Can't wait to connect here!
practice pitching #beassured for a demo day
signed up one more small business to the first100 cohort. We are at 14 now! #first100 #beassured
completed the seo audit of the first small business #win #beassured
update copy for the first100 campaign #beassured
another customer interview successfully done. Our waitlist has 8 small businesses only 92 to go #beassured
meet a designer that helped me
with prototype for brunch
create a api service with a opensource LLM and create a prompt to use for our reviewbot as an alternative to openai. #beassured
prepare a story board for a 2-min pitch and get ready to talk to some motion designers to help me tell the story better. literarily nothing in that statement is my strong point, so any advice is highly appreciated! :-) #beassured
schedule calls with the businesses that agreed to work with us.
try to figure out a way to NOT get persuaded by my 9 year old's persuasive essay #life
created a prototype of "business dashboard" for small businesses in prep for customer interviews next week. #beassured
wrote 4 job descriptions to hire interns from my alma matter using ChatGPT. took me 30 mins. this would have taken me at least 4 times that if not more. #beassured #interns #chatgpt
played around with models in repalicate to see if I can find an alternate to openAI. results are not promising... yet.
Update the prompt for the bot so it doesn't get distracted. trying to make the bot not fall for pranksters #beassured
Create a low fidelity design of “topics” feature so users can review on topics under an entity #beassured
prepare for customer conversations this week by creating a prototype of business dashboard