stacking up investor meetings zzz. I wish people would just give me money without me having to do all these calls. #jsonify
demo day went pretty ok! #jsonify
demo day tomorrow! #jsonify
customer calls for #jsonify
fixing scaling problems #jsonify
working on the #jsonify pitch deck tagline. "turning the internet into useful data" -- maybe? Taglines are hard!
raising #jsonify API limits again 📈
write a twitter thread #jsonify…
be on TechCrunch… #jsonify
Was planning to go for a bike ride this morning, but something has gone wrong with the brakes beyond my meagre mechanical skills. Oh well, back to #jsonify work I guess.
Contractor agreement boilerplate sigh #jsonify
onboarding people to new #jsonify beta
Deploying new #jsonify beta to a couple test customers today
Hit the openai usage warning limit for March billing. I must be doing something right #jsonify
Elastic IP provisioning approved, finally! #jsonify
Wanted to scale #jsonify but, while AWS is happy to give me more instances quota, elastic IP quota is apparently much harder to get, pah.
Approved for new CPU quota by AWS. Time to scale #jsonify
asking aws for more #jsonify quota. limited to 32 cpus? cmon, that's nothing.