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Reply to all emails and DMs (just doing the mostly boring stuff)
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✅ Task: Send email to early subscribers checking in on how things are going. #blurt
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See follow up bot running for the 1st time, sending emails, sending TElegram notifications and updating DB #jobboardsearch
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day job catching up on emails and shipping a few client clean up features #revsys
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update mail sent to 50% - I like sending out bigger newsletter mails in batches - just in case. And like 25% in I activated open rates and click tracking cause I thought "what if nobody opens it after I spent hours on this?" #seokickstarter
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Work on email automations #chocolab
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Keep working on unsubscribe bot code #auto
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Go through 100s of emails unsubscribing everything to make the daily load more manageble #codersfail #coderswin
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Finish follow up emails bot logic #jobboardsearch
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take care of todays email tasks and follow ups #wobaka
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upgrade onboarding bot #indiemakers
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Start setting up welcome email sequence #inpilot (emails written, missing last couple ones and some email links)
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#redacted Frontend workflow progress (Register, Email confirmation, password reset, login and general auth stuff.)
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Do a whole lot of stuff I didn’t properly log into smaller tasks but basically user onboard and look&feel #pixelchallenge
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Start working on email subscription #remoteindex
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Schedule the remaining 3,000 upsells emails to be sent later today when I'm asleep so I can wake up to a lot of Stripe notifications #handlehorse
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Verify new email signups #composeexamples jobs. Until today I was collecting emails to see if there is interest but the list grew quickly. Time to do this properly
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Finish writing and styling signup+purchase emails #fashn
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figure out why 0.5% of users don't complete sign up because it makes me lose $700/mo revenue in revenue or $8,000/year #nomads step 1: auto send email and BCC me to ask why person couldn't complete sign up
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automate welcome emails + reach first 30 subscribers #stackbrief
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