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Drag and drop image upload in wysiwyg with cloudflare R2 #saasco
Upload #3dicons images to Cloudflare R2
Move all user-uploaded images/videos from Amazon S3 to Cloudflare R2 and everything still seems to work #wip
Migrate from AWS S3 to Cloudflare R2 #melies
Download backups of S3 buckets for projects that already migrated to Cloudflare R2
add Cloudflare image resizing to #airlinelist
Move images to cloudflare #homestra
Drag-n-dop image uploader for rich text editor, uploading to S3 on the fly #dill
Performance improvements for file upload #formcarry
Find out CloudFlare R2 can't be trusted for uploading loads of files…
Improved the Backups system and added Cloudflare R2 support #ibonlife
Better Backups system and now with Cloudflare R2 support #prolinks
Cloudflare R2 Integration #superforum