Similar todos
read about using embeddings to build a search #aiplay
Exploring embeddings and semantic search
read about using embeddings to find related concepts #aiplay
write blog/email about my experiment with embeddings #blog2
Create embedding for all 20k product descriptions so we can hopefully do audience similarity search for products #thieve
Experiment with OpenAI embeddings for similar companies lookup #sparkbase
create section embeddings for all my blogs in a category #aiplay
working prototype using locally generated embeddings
Enqueue embeddings creation for full companies database in #nichewit do start doing better similarity searches and recommendations
Generate vector embeddings for all 200,000+ todos on #wip
update embeddings algo to deal with sections longer than embedding token limit #ai
Generate pgvector embeddings for #nichewit to improve similarity searches.
get all blogs with embeddings into LanceDB #aiplay