Similar todos
read about using embeddings to find related concepts #aiplay
Exploring embeddings and semantic search
create embeddings from list of items I wanna search #aiplay
write blog/email about my experiment with embeddings #blog2
Experiment with OpenAI embeddings for similar companies lookup #sparkbase
working prototype using locally generated embeddings
Enqueue embeddings creation for full companies database in #nichewit do start doing better similarity searches and recommendations
more research and work on llms and reading up on embeddings
Made audience search filter where you can describe an audience and it will find products that are related. Uses openai embeddings and typesense vector search #thieve
Generate pgvector embeddings for #nichewit to improve similarity searches.
get all blogs with embeddings into LanceDB #aiplay
create section embeddings for all my blogs in a category #aiplay
Did a DEEP dive into Vector Search. Used OpenAI to get Embeddings for a 3000 record database. Search results are MAD good. Mind blown.