Similar todos
Fix is_good_plan for cli as well #capgo
setup payment plan #httpscop
finalize free plan and paid plan usage #webhookhq
add test for plan in #capgo
debug plan change pre-pop correct current plan issue #mj
Handle plan upgrade with a new payment method
Add payment plan #quicklogging
implement free plan #spectate
setup paid plans #simplemail
configure strip payment for the pay plan #hookeepr
jb: tie up export and recurrent prompts to the paid plan
fixed choose plan bug #sponsorgap
Fix plan on #ayht
ask gf and she has great solution for #photoai plan abuse: 1) disable prorating, 2) if plan changes, add credits of new plan instead of resetting them, 3) on billing renewal still reset credits, for example: if user signs up to $20/mo plan, gets 100 credits, then they upgrade to $40/mo, they get 1000 credits, they will now have paid $60 and have 1000+100=1100 credits (with prorating disabled), their billing cycle reset so change plan becomes day 0, and then on billing renewal their credits still reset though to 1000 credits of $40/mo plan, we can check the billing_reason in the Stripe Invoice object to see if it's a subscription_update (upgrade/downgrade) or a subscription_cycle (renewal of plan) or subscription_create (new customer)
Implement plan switching backend #boilerplate
create payment plan and test on paddle #vietnamdevs