added actions usage view for user to check their usage #hookeepr
tweak ui for the new logo #hookeepr
another newlogo #hookeepr
tweak UI and support message #hookeepr
configure strip payment for the pay plan #hookeepr
brainstorm a new brand name for #hookeepr
change from sweet alert to toast nofiticaon #hookeepr
added redeem features, allow user to redeem specific coupon for extra actions #hookeepr
display api result return from api endpoint #hookeepr
follow up with different setting for webhook vs api end point #hookeepr
successful pull API result and store locally for later use #hookeepr
added new type bucket UI #hookeepr
convert actions into channels for future enhancement #hookeepr
put plan limit into config and can be adjusted by env setting #hookeepr
brainstorm to pivot #hookeepr
create new bucket will check with user plan first #hookeepr
standardsize success and error json return for webhook, return need subscription if limit over in webhook response #hookeepr
configure if webhooks limit hit, prompt user for subscription in return API #hookeepr
start working on subscription #hookeepr