Similar todos
upgrade to ruby 3.0.1 #nosugartoday
Upgrade to ruby 3.3.1 #mintis
upgrade to ruby 3.0.2 #nosugartoday
Upgrade to Ruby 3.3.0 #wip
#web3jobs upgrade to ruby 3
Upgrade #indiepg to Ruby 3.3.3
Upgrade to Ruby 3 #startupjobs
Upgrade to Ruby 3.0.4 #wip
Install Ruby 3.2.3 because it's the latest available version from just a few days ago #licenseseat
Upgrade to Ruby 3.2.3 #prompthero
Update Ruby #rorvswild
Update Ruby to 3.2.2 #epihu
installing ruby 2.7.0
Upgrade to Rails 7.1.3 and Ruby 3.1.2 #licenseseat
Downgrade to Ruby 3.1.2 and Rails #prompthero
fix #herokualfredworkflow for ruby 2.3.0
Upgrade from Ruby 3.2.3 to Ruby 3.3.4 #prompthero