Heroku Alfred Workflow
Heroku Alfred Workflow
Quick access to Heroku console, logs, dashboard and app.
add pg:info command to #herokualfredworkflow
publish #herokualfredworkflow on Packal
fix #herokualfredworkflow for ruby 2.3.0
add release for #herokualfredworkflow
update #herokualfredworkflow readme
fix #herokualfredworkflow issue
fix gem issue #herokualfredworkflow
added bash command to #herokualfredworkflow
fix console command for non rails project #herokualfredworkflow
Refactor #herokualfredworkflow
Add cache #herokualfredworkflow
One click install for #herokualfredworkflow
Heroku Alfred workflow POC #herokualfredworkflow