Similar todos
Read about iOS 18's distraction control, and post a daily tweet on the topic #life
Refactor app to use iOS15 @FocusState #checkyourlist
Work on the fitness app #life
fix silent notifications iOS #lifeliner
Apple Watch telling me that I'm at least good with moving my body #life
Set up Siri Shortcut that allows me to touch water bottle (with NFC sticker) and start workout in Strong app #life
make meditation app with iOS shortcuts. No guides, habit trackers, or UI. Just an automated timer and notification silencer -… #life
🆙 upgrades to iOS 15 #mylife
make #linefm work on iOS 10
update iOS18 #fajarsiddiq
Research apple watch capabilities
Work out the impact of raising deployment targets to iOS 15 #checkyourlist
Make exercise info more presentable in various places #gymbro
whisper ios article #work