


A convenient way to track your progress at the gym, compare it with friends (and potentially) find coaches to help you train and maximize gains
Complete responsive planner design (and break other things in the process) #gymbro
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Responsive design for workout templates page #gymbro
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Responsive design of exercise tiles #gymbro
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Add bottom menu nav bar for mobile #gymbro
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Complete Incorporation procedures (LFG) #gymbro
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Add Dashboard Preview in Landing Page #gymbro
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Substitute ddummy data with real data for the goal completion rate and prs made this week #gymbro
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Fix workout goal line to appear consistently #gymbro
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Read and play around with Stripe while waiting for incorporation processes to finish #gymbro
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Make all exercise titles clickable #gymbro
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Improve Exercise Details Page/Modal (its almost done for MVP) #gymbro
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Create graphic/illustration to be added on the product landing page #gymbro
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Initialize an exerciseDetails modal which I;ll fill with details about completed/done exercises and stylize appropriately #gymbro
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Retain only the information about completed exercises in the workout tiles that are presented to the user #gymbro
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Start incorporation procedures that will allow to connect bank and app with Stripe so as to launch #gymbro
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Add filterable Personal Records Tile #gymbro
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Make exercise search and selection modal better #gymbro
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make individual body parts inherit color pallete from parent muscle group #gymbro
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Show template title info on workout history tiles #gymbro
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Minor styling and functional changes on dismissal modals for workouts #gymbro
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