A convenient way to track your progress at the gym, compare it with friends (and potentially) find coaches to help you train and maximize gains
Unify product database about subscriptions/users with STripes (even for free users) #gymbro
Fix account deletion for free users/subscribers etc #gymbro
Disable streaks for free users and add relevant upgrade banner to he postworkout page #gymbro
Change streak icons to use the appropriate icon package app-wide #gymbro
Disable streaks for free users and add a minimal tooltip/icon to prompt upgrades #gymbro
Add upgrade banner in settings to unlock streak tracking (appears for free users only) #gymbro
Initiate pricing changes/models to prepare for launchsites & eventualy PWA conversion #gymbro
boot up Android emulator to try and migrate my web app to a PWA #gymbro
Small fix on the "Rest" timer on exercises #gymbro
Automatically reset workout Streaks if appropriate timeframe has passed. #gymbro
UNify buttons across different screens #gymbro
Add Upper Back body part at "Back" muscle group, fixing problems iwht stats/tags appearing incorectly #gymbro
Small cosmetic changes on the workout tiles #gymbro
Add small timer after each set completion to help users time their rests if they want to #gymbro
Make sure that exercises appear in correct order when EDITING the workout template #gymbro
In workout and template Preserve the order the exercises where created in during the template creation time. #gymbro
Make Exercise Details View functional again. Now users can view details about each exercise, their history doing that exercise and relevant charts. Later those pages might also be used for SEO #gymbro
Add more exercises to the dataset based on user feedback #gymbro
Changed some LP images (for the final time for a while) #gymbro
Implement a Post-Workout view, to let users know their progress (it can also potentially act as a place to display ads if its needed for revenue) #gymbro