Similar todos
Figure out how to sidekiq when you have multiple jobs but they can't run at the same time #barelytics
clear out old sidekiq jobs
#untalent Avoid duplicate jobs
fix multiple workers doing same job #interiorai
Increase Sidekiq concurrency from 10 to 50 jobs #image
Replace keyword arguments with options hash in Sidekiq Workers, because Sidekiq (intentionally) does not support keyword arguments #startupjobs
fix stupid sidekiq bug #starterstory
Improve error handling for all sidekiq jobs #swatches
Fix issue with duplicate job ids #promptlyhired
use sidekiq for async processing. #wip
Switch from Sidekiq to Solid Queue #followup
add sidekiq and queue source refreshes
Make Sidekiq concurrency configurable through ENV var #startupjobs
Completely switch from Sidekiq to Good Job 🤞 #startupjobs
re-enable sidekiq #expensivechat
reactive, clean the duplicated jobs #vietnamdevs
support concurrent running workers of scan worker #httpscop