Similar todos
setup paid plans #simplemail
set up new email plan
add support for active/inactive plans so I can change prices for new members only #wip
Set up sponsorships for the week #ss
Add a support for different usage plans #domainwatchman
added creator page and sponsors page to #sponsorgap
send payment link to new sponsor #saasboilerplates
Create subscription plans for #eventbot
Setup production plan with Stripe #rssmailer
access for new sponsor #alpinehandbook
Add free, pro and lifetime membership plan to #nosugartoday
Work on subscriptions and plans - coding user "Allowances"
Allow paying users on the BASIC plan to upgrade to the PRO plan by modifying the existing subscription #marcbot (before, it would create a second subscription instead)
add creators section for sponsor model
Set up pricing plans #simplycron
setup site for membership #wi
#homestretch set up pricing plan layout