Upgrade to Kamal 2 #marcbot
Learn the hard way not to enable GoodJob's retry_on_unhandled_error feature which lead to jobs executing 10+ million times #marcbot
See that the background jobs queue table is 56 GB #marcbot
Test gpt-4o speed of #marcbot and post on Twitter
Switch #marcbot to gpt-4o for really fast replies and 50% cheaper
Plan world domination #marcbot
Remove free plan completely #marcbot
Fix #marcbot because apparently I broke it before
Tempt fate and send out one more broadcast message, because people keep telling me about the duplicate messages and they should know it's been fixed now (🤞) #marcbot
See #marcbot return the favor by spamming me
Create broadcast messages asynchronously so we immediately can respond a 200 status to Telegram webhook and it doesn't keep retrying leading to a SHITLOAD of broadcasts #marcbot
Queue 140,000 background jobs somehow #marcbot
Process broadcast messages with lowest priority, otherwise we run into issue where we might broadcast a message to 1,000s of users and when that triggers them to use the bot, their message won't be processed until all the other broadcasts are done sending #marcbot
Calculate token count and save GPT model used for each message to I can better track costs and usage #marcbot
Send confirmation message when subscription has been canceled #marcbot
Show confirmation message after Stripe webhook received #marcbot
Allow paying users on the BASIC plan to upgrade to the PRO plan by modifying the existing subscription #marcbot (before, it would create a second subscription instead)
Instead of telling a user to use the /upgrade command to upgrade when they hit a feature-restriction, we now immediately show a button that links to Stripe #marcbot
Replace my own billing code with `pay-rails` #marcbot
Find out #marcbot has almost 14,000 users