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I need it to protect user's privacy and data.
Originally I wanted receive to implement end-to-end encrypted notification from my Wordpress when someone submits an inquiry from Gravityform.
My Gravityform database is encrypted with this plugin. https://codecanyon.net/item/gravity-forms-encrypted...
On Medium you'll notice there's the fixed applause button and social media icons. When image width is wide they fade out and fade back in when there is no wide image:
Example here: https://medium.com/refactoring-ui/redesigning-laravel-io-c47ac495dff0
(If you scroll down you'll notice, the fixe...
I'm releasing a social augmented reality app in the coming weeks..
.. and I really want to nail the launch. Pointers, advice, tips, stories, anything will help! Thank you.
I want to collect emails from a website and store it on Sendgrid. I don't see a free way in their documentation to do so.
I recently attended a workshop and we were talking about the "north star metric". Even though this already seems to be yet another buzzword I found it a good question to think about on how you can actually measure the value your product delivers.
The North Star Metric measures the value you del...
I mean is the process of getting the affiliate links from app owners pretty straight forward or are there some gotchas?
Iโm looking for items (can be apps/websites/(board)games) similar to hipsterceo.com, javelin.com, nextinnovation.tools and playinglean.com.
e.g. I have a database of 1000+ url's and want to check them weekly on the #backlinks they have. Is there an api that does this and is < $50 / month.
Before launch, to find bugs or validate wording.
Have you tried www.betabound.com or other communities?
The first customers could be difficult to acquire. Do you think they should be beta testers?
I added this feature in TimerBit to increase transparency in the open source projects that I work on. To let people know which ticket/feature is currently being developed, for example - https://timerbit.com/#/public/YN3UZqeorFGRKI1h03d5. What else do you think should be on the public project page...