When I was actively using makerlog during the time when it’s GitHub integration was working, I had an easy way to log my GitHub commits activities with ease but it was interesting when your repo was private because it showed “you pushed 7 commits”. Then suddenly the integration stopped working an...
Does WIP’s API support line break? I tried using “\n” but it didn’t work. Mentions also don’t seem work so I don’t know if that is supported or not
Finished MVP & Started Dogfooding
It took almost 3 weeks, but I'm finally done building the minimum product for Vibes.so that I'm not embarrassed to market. As I built this product mostly from the need that I had myself - i started dogfooding it immediately and using it daily, I write stuff down that I do not like and try to fix ...
4 Pro members for HIGHSCORE.domains
Even if it is a comparatively small amount, wouldn't have done this if I hadn't joined WIP 🙏
I have been lazy to build something for a long time and joining WIP really helped 😎
Especially the "streak" forced me to ship/work on something daily 😅 (29 days since I joined and trying not to break it...
In order to stop loitering, focus on shipping instead of competition and waiting for feedback "when it's more done", I decided to publish an article that acts as a first Sneaky peek into Clubprofile.xyz.
I've sent it through the 20+ email subscribes that I got in the last week, thanking them for...
Hey WIP!
Some users give valuable feedback about the OctaZone app.
In the way to say thank you I want to give them 30 days of using the app for free.
Is it possible to manage their AppStore subscription and move the subscription renewal date to the day in the future?