
I've added a couple themes to this site builder I've been working on. They're designed for mobile devices Would love to hear anyone's thoughts! Straw.Page
I just pubilshed a new interview on my blog, a pre-launch demo post, and why not let wip roast it? Let me know your thoughts
Hey guys, I've been working on a website builder designed for your phone. It's focused on customizability, as opposed to being limited to templates. The problem with a lot of other customizable website builders are that they normally have a steep learning curve (e.g. Webflow). The simpler ones li...
Dear WIP, I want to launch a thing in September. Please tell me why it’s a dumb idea. Serverless React Academy It’s a revamp of my ServerlessReact.Dev course which sold really well, but isn’t delivering on its promise the way I’d like. The learning curve is too steep and folks aren’t making it...
Launching next week 🙌 Tell me everything that's wrong with the web app and learning resources