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fetch job posts asynchronously #startupjobs
workaround for medium feed URLs #accountableblogging
Increase Sidekiq concurrency from 10 to 50 jobs #image
Increase max excec time as there are too many job boards to fetch so API timesout #jobboardsearch
#sheet2site try increase memory to 500MB and concurrency to 2
Increase Puma's web concurrency from 2 to 3, because we have memory to spare #wip
Queue 140,000 background jobs somehow #marcbot
fix bug BIT.LY API RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED #remoteok due to test robot making new job post every minute (by @daniellockyer)
Fixed intermittent background job failures
#sheet2site make caching works over limit
Enable back number of workers profiles fetcher coz Airtable API is fixed #jobboardsearch
fixed slug generator bug for twitch job lever api #sportstechjobs
Pass 1000 workers profiles #jobboardsearch
tweet & post about solution to Memory issues on Heroku server #quickcode