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update jobs #remotejobly
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fix null image value that was breaking the site #remotejobly
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on posting job check for duplicate job so we avoid double charges when things break randomly #remoteok
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Fix issue with duplicate job ids #promptlyhired
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fix pagination #remoteok rekt because only remoteok jobs showing and we do epoch=$('#jobsboard tr.job:not(.remoteok-original):not(.bumped):not(.sticky):last').data('epoch’);
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fixed bugs on job page #sportstechjobs
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fix bug that when a job is duplicate, so it’s posted on Remote OK but also on for ex Stack Overflow which we source from, the duplicate checker removes the Remote OK one, instead make it prioritize Remote OK posts over sourced posts #remoteok
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Fix job with duplicate ID #promptlyhired
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fix price mismatch sometimes between client and server #remoteok post job page
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fix bug #remoteok individual job page would always show wrong job in last 24h
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back to work after trip. Coded a new programmatic page #remotejobly
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fixed jobpost bug #teacherjobs
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Fix bug with job fetcher bot where job boards running jobboardly weren't getting the company info #jobboardsearch
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Fix error 500 in prod when a job posting can't be fetched, show nice alert instead #jobician
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fix company page was slow because wasn’t using new getJobsFromDB() logic #remoteok
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fix clicking twice on POST JOB button results in 2 Stripe Checkout sessions being created, but because duplicate job post checker hits it would only save it once, but the Stripe Checkout would redirect payment for the 2nd job post (duplicate) which didn’t exist causing the Stripe webhook catcher to not be able to match it resulting in a paid job but a job being stuck in unpaid #remoteok
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Fix bug where certain job page links don't match the canonical URL #promptlyhired
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fix pay later page broken because $job redefined in head.php and overwrote the job to be paid later #remoteok
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fix bug where scraper wouldn't skip if no job was found #plumberjobs
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If single job page and hidden show a 404… not a full page without any jobs in the table #remoteok
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