Similar todos
Fix a bug where jobs by country weren't getting its title #jobboardsearch
Fix bug where certain job page links don't match the canonical URL #promptlyhired
Fix bug in jobs bot #jobboardsearch
Fix a bug when job board in the free tier were getting wrong link in the search module #jobboardsearch
Fix issue with missing URL for job #promptlyhired
fix bug where if user would select a job tag like [ Developer ] then they would open a job and the URL would change to the job then add a second tag while the job stays open, the URL would be the job post instead of /remote-developer-jobs, so it’d replace the wrong URL and go to a 404, save originalUrl now and replace that instead #remoteok
fixed bugs on job page #sportstechjobs
fix bug (undefined location) that prevented a large number of jobs not being imported #startupjobs
Fix bug where incorrect relative job posting time is displayed #promptlyhired
fix a few job posts #japandev
Fix problem with More Jobs button not redirecting correctly #jobboardsearch
Fix a bug with jobPosting schema for dedicated job board landing pages #jobboardsearch
fix bug where some job posts where HTML tags weren’t displaying properly #startupjobs
bug fix for import job #ext200wad
fix job types bug #jobs
fix wrong link format of the job offer link in the subscriber email #linuxjobsio
Fix duplicate job postings and improve apply Link normalization #rubyonremote
fix job list bugs #remotelist