Similar todos
fix javascript bug where clicking job post div wouldn't open job listing #startupjobs
fixed jobpost bug #teacherjobs
fixed bugs on job page #sportstechjobs
Fix tags on job posts #japandev
Fix bug where incorrect relative job posting time is displayed #promptlyhired
fix bug where if user would select a job tag like [ Developer ] then they would open a job and the URL would change to the job then add a second tag while the job stays open, the URL would be the job post instead of /remote-developer-jobs, so it’d replace the wrong URL and go to a 404, save originalUrl now and replace that instead #remoteok
Fix bug with ampersands in job title og images #plumberjobs
Fix a bug when preview wasn't redering conrrectly when editing a job board #jobboardsearch
Fix a bug with jobPosting schema for dedicated job board landing pages #jobboardsearch
fix a few job posts #japandev
fix issue where new job posts could not be created due to ‘descriptions’ not being created #startupjobs
Fix bug where certain job page links don't match the canonical URL #promptlyhired
fix job posts #japandev