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dusted off some old machine learning / text parsing code to dabble with tonight #mylife
Make cog for @AndreyAzimov that detects faces and helps prevent sending invalid inputs to SDXL training #life……
write related work: phrase detectives
Test hugging face demo with production API #fashn
find keywords for #accessiblekeyboard
#thecompaniesapi quantize phi3.5 to 4bit to use it in our inference server; same model size but 128k context length instead of 4k, I can now process huge chunks of texts without relying on batching
learning spacy for some nlp analysis #sustinero
disable segmenting because HuggingFace API is down #interiorai
Used OpenAI's Structured Outputs to make quick work of parsing #jobs description data. Wild.
#thecompaniesapi tests are over; phi3 is what we need; dropping lots of python code in favor of a single inference process to govern them all
finding new keywords #docgptai
#thecompaniesapi continue r&d on phi3, trying idea refinement from structured text content, then pipe to inference flow, unknown territories 🤣
research of existing text humanizer APIs - chose one to try out in code #humanizer
find out #interiorai also works on faces, so we need to add a face detector and discard