AI Content Generator
update previews for #docgptai
imrpove landing pages #docgptai #linkedin4automation
fix notify email #docgptai
added more case descriptions on pricing page gpt for sheets #docgptai
analyze metrics #docgptai
improve SERP() function, updated backend libraries #docgptai
added integration with Google Place API into gpt for sheets #docgptai
minor fixes #docgptai
add handling 'paused', 'past_due' for payments #docgptai
minor fix for SERP() function. OMG it is 169 release already #docgptai
customer support #docgptai
add seo pages for #docgptai
fix corner cases for slide ai #docgptai
add GPT_CUSTOM function to customize top_n, model, temperature for requests on cell level #docgptai
cusomer support #docgptai
added supporting replicate (image generation saas models) & cloudinary for uploading files #docgptai
add creating html files in bulk from Google Sheets #docgptai
customer support #docgptai
some seo improvments for #docgptai
seo imrpovments #docgptai