Ivan Dunskiy
Ivan Dunskiy
I manage IT development company by day, and code SaaS projects by night.
submit store listing to marketplace for review #paraphrasesuite
Privacy Policy for oAuth updated #paraphrasesuite
sent questions to logotherapist about onboarding questions #meaningapp
resubmitted app for oAuth review #paraphrasesuite
fixing icons for oAuth submission #paraphrasesuite
resubmitted app to the OAuth #paraphrasesuite
monetization system implemented #paraphrasesuite
sent Paraphrase Suite for oAuth verification #paraphrasesuite
core MVP features finished #paraphrasesuite
initial structure and database #paraphrasesuite
refined script for the 2nd video #plagiarismguard
script for a video - "how to write an essay" #plagiarismguard
video "literature review" set to public #plagiarismguard
Uploaded "How to write a winning literature review" to youtube, all the descriptions, thumbnail and timecodes added #plagiarismguard