Similar todos
create a subscription with addons using recurly #pbn
add two plans - Plan A and Plan B for #changeloghunt
save current plan cohort when customer signs up #wip
create new models and logic for plans #chamados
add plan cohorts #wip
add plan subscribe frontend #checkoutpage
jb: tie up export and recurrent prompts to the paid plan
add plans to database table #botreach
setup mixpanel tracking for plans #chamados
only show available plans (when signing up or upgrading) based on customer’s plan cohort #wip
add support for active/inactive plans so I can change prices for new members only #wip
Implement plan switching backend #boilerplate
Auto select Highlight plan and auto scroll users to the paid plans when landing from follow up emails #jobboardsearch
debug plan change pre-pop correct current plan issue #mj
add test for plan in #capgo
add subscription plan to database