Similar todos
switch from regex based to position based CSS browser editing system #devsync
obfuscate text in web app too #contactbox
#pintura optimize rendering of text
#pintura spend 4 hours figuring out how to align custom canvas text wrapping to then figure out a way to have the browser do it
Made shimmering text effect for fun #progrs
experiment with typography #wip
#pintura test WebGL blur algorithm
Replaced the blur elements for horiz scrolling with round chevrons instead, refactored id dummy to class for email obfuscation #listskit
Experiment with blurring attachments by Shrine, not CSS 🤪 #epihu
improve unblur effect for blinkloader.js integration #blinkloader2
Wrote a function to scramble text to prevent unauthorized users from seeing content on a static website. (Auth is done after page gets loaded).
Possible to filter out certain selectors so I can still create a content list to entice viewers! :)
Inspired by @levelsio's Make Book.
created blurred background for #infinitestories 2.0
#pintura [next] align textarea with webgl text rendering
rewrite image loading to DOM based instead of Canvas based #screenshots
plan how to handle new lines in different browsers
No matter what I did I could not get html2canvas to support transparent in radial-gradients and no stackoverflow, internet nor any version of chat could help me but figured i could just replace these mesh gradients with a swath of progressing hsla's and voila, problem finally solved (completely unnecessary because I didn't need complicated backgrounds but I'd done it so was being stubborn not wanting to remove them) #books