Similar todos
🔥 broke #djangobuild but rebuilt it using a devcontainer and debugging just works now
🔨 working on docker performance tasks on my hosting setup #mylife
🐳 helped a friend debug some docker volume strangeness #mylife
Fixed a bug with the main container not filling up full width #venturecost
#thecompaniesapi continuing on api socket events ; trying to map containers properly with compose
🐳 fixed some docker path issues #djangopackages
✅ fixed docker config and tests
Dockerize app in preparation to move to self-hosting and notice builds are slow as hell because QEMU is being used to translate machine code from x86_64 (GH actions) -> arm64 (my server). Thought of a solution to speed this up, implementing now #unblockdomains !private
#thecompaniesapi fix signals matching ; fix a container that magically lost access to our GPU ; production deploy :)
Finally fix deploy issue which was caused by 2 web containers running somehow #wip
Fix stupid issue with Docker healthchecks failing because the latest version of Docker was built by people who are smoking drugs and can't resolve localhost to among other issues:… #life
Fixed Dockerfile bug in #coolify
tried to figure out how to run the VS Code debugger in a Docker container via Compose. I saw someone do it today and it looked so easy...
got the docker registry auth to work!
🤖 fixed a broken dep which killed my docker image builder #conf
fix the docker clusterfuck
sort out problems with docker #courseblocks
Finally docker-compose and Dockerfile working!
#lastnight fix local docker containers #allbird