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Schedule daily Telegram notifications #epihu
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update telegram movie bot to sync with letterboxd watchlist
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improve telegram bot #cryptojobslist
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getting Telegram to be less buggy since the update
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add #interiorai to daily Telegram bot updates
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Stop sending rate limit Twitter API errors to Telegram #jobboardsearch
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escape time zones so Telegram's markdown parser doesn't trip up #wip h/t @swizec
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Move security notifications to Telegram
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Stop sending Telegram notifications for new product updates #wip
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Fixed Telegram notification bug for those using /compose page. Also refactored code on /write and /compose so that the streak is calculated accurately for success banner and Telegram message #lifelog
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Fix a lot of Telegram broken topics #jobboardsearch
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#roic Move notifications to Telegram instead of Slack
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fixed a bug where the telegram token was ignored #support
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refactor telegram bot #dashful
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fix-up Telegram bot #sideshift
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replace Telegram API tokens for admin bot to stop 100,000 queued Telegram messages #life
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Kill all money related notifications in Telegram #simpleanalytics
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Prioritize Telegram background jobs over other jobs so messages are processed quickly #wip h/t @levelsio
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improve notifications #perspectiva
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Re engineer the Telegram post with a sleep/retry flow as it was getting to many 429 errors #jobboardsearch
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